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Your prospects likely sign up to many new tools monthly. They receive countless of onboarding emails advising them how to best use these tools. So it’s hard to stand out and grab their attention.
But standing out and engaging prospects effectively at this stage of their user journey is crucial. After they signed up, you want them to take the necessary steps to realise value and “activate” your product fast.
One powerful way to stand out and engage your prospects is by using personalized sales videos post sign-ups. This article will cover why video is particularly useful in this scenario, how to structure your videos, and some quick tips on practically getting started.

Why personalized videos can make the difference in post-sign up communications

They’re engaging and memorable > videos help your prospects understand your product better 
Videos are more engaging than text, capturing attention quickly and retaining it longer.
They increase reply rates > videos invite users to communicate with you - whether asking questions, reviewing additional content or booking a meeting
Personalized videos show you’ve done some research about your prospects and you’ve tailored your communication to them specifically.
Studies have shown that on average, emails with videos have a 26% higher response rate.
They’re simply what users prefer > prospects are more likely to review your email and communications with video
Sending a video helps you stand out from all other communications prospects receive from their vendors and tools they evaluate.
When asked how companies could improve customer experience, 67% of respondents suggested adding more videos. This reflects a clear demand for video content in onboarding, indicating that customers find it particularly helpful during their learning journey

How to script and structure your personalized video

Personalization is key. Put simply, it means that your message in the video should be relevant to the particular prospect you’re sending it to, and personalized enough so they feel a connection to you and your brand.
Some advice:
  • create a video with a human voice and showing their camera. Loom-style videos look more genuine to begin with
  • Personalize:
    • greeting them by their first name, and mentioning the specific reason you’re reaching out (= that they signed up for your product)
    • Display their linkedin profile or website, to show you’ve checked them out, did some research about them before reaching out
  • Address their pain points, and the pain you’re solving for them given their customer segment / demography
  • Provide a few tips on getting started and clearly articulate the benefits of using your software
  • Add a call to action: a specific action to do in your product, booking an onboarding call, viewing a specific ressource…

Creating and automating videos at scale

Creating impactful video can make the difference. You can create them one by one as your prospects sign up. But let’s face it, if you want to personalize at scale and send them timely to your prospects, it’s super time consuming. That’s where Gluetrail comes into place! Gluetrail simplifies the process of creating and automating personalized sales videos at scale.
Here’s how you can leverage it for your post-sign-up outreach:
  1. Create the video and its template for personalization:
      • Use Gluetrail to create a video template that can be easily personalized with AI.
      • Incorporate variables for the prospect’s name, company, and other personal details that you can leverage in the video screen (ex.: their linkedin as a backdrop), the audio (ex.: “Hi firstname”) and the landing page itself.
  1. Automate the video creation per prospect:
      • Integrate Gluetrail with your CRM or a Google Sheet to automatically pull in prospect data and create + personalize each video after a sign up.
      • Gluetrail automatically generates personalized video URLs for each prospect.
      • Embed Gluetrail’s gif code in your follow up email templates. The right video is sent to the right prospect.
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  1. Follow-Up:
      • Track engagement metrics such as video views and clicks to measure the effectiveness of your outreach. Get Slack notifications when they do so to be proactive.
      • Use the engagement data to tailor your follow-up communications. For example, if a prospect watched the entire video, they might be more interested and ready for a deeper conversation.
You can get started using Gluetrail with our free 7-day trial, or book a demo directly on our website.

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Anne-Charlotte Chauvet

Gluetrail co-founder