Anne-Charlotte Chauvet

Anne-Charlotte Chauvet

Gluetrail co-founder

Marvin McKinney is an exceptional front-end developer. He has worked at companies like Linear, Coinbase, and Postscript. He knows about all the latest tech and has been a speaker in various tech conferences.

Previous Companies


Marvin McKinney is an exceptional front-end developer. He has worked at companies like Linear, Coinbase, and Postscript. He knows about all the latest tech and has been a speaker at various tech conferences.


Marvin McKinney is an exceptional front-end developer. He has worked at companies like Linear, Coinbase, and Postscript. He knows about all the latest tech and has been a speaker at various tech conferences.


Marvin McKinney is an exceptional front-end developer. He has worked at companies like Linear, Coinbase, and Postscript. He knows about all the latest tech and has been a speaker at various tech conferences.

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